Hi! I'm Ashish

Sophomore at College of Engineering, Trivandrum. I love to curate experiences with machine learning. I am also a passionate coder. Everyday I push myself to learn something new, whether that be about ML, automobiles or miscellaneous facts about the universe.
My current work is a research paper revolving around NLP to build an intelligent customer experience in native Indian languages.

What I Do

Seeking to be inspired, to envision the unlikely, to work hard for things that are worth it and to be surrounded by those who bring out the best in me and what some would call a tenacious drive for excellence.


Programming Languages

  • TensorFlow   💢 
  • Keras             💥   
  • PyTorch         🔥 
  • Flask             🎈   
  • AWS              ⛅  
  • Docker         🐳    

Tools & Technologies